
Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) is the capital and largest city of Nepal. It is the cosmopolitan heart of the Himalayan Region. It is the gateway to Nepal. It has a glorious history going back two thousand years, and a refined culture that ranks among the highest in Asia. It is also a modern financial and business hub, exotic tourist destination, and a sacred goal for pilgrims.

Kathmandu is situated in a bowl shaped valley in central Nepal. The Kingdom extends about 885 km. east to west and 193 km. in width north to south. The entire terrain is like a steep incline, descending from the icy Himalayan heights to the hot Terai flatland within a short distance.


Anonymous said...

Wow Dima , you really close to heavan

Amazung pictures , keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Озеро с водной растительностью чудо как хорош.
Да и автобус с символикой СССР не подкачал.
Дима, отличные фотки.
А выражение твоих глаз изменилось. Интересно, что тебя так "проняло" ?

Anonymous said...

Хорошая подборка фоток "Лица Непала".
Ты теперь в компании. Надеюсь не скучно? Передавай им всем привет и поздравления с Ханукой !!

Anonymous said...

Димочка! Ты супер! Я горжусь тобой!!! :)))